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More Public Hunting Access in Florida

Started by huntinhard, July 31, 2011, 10:09:57 AM

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The Southwest Florida Water Management District is considering adding some access to state owned lands for hunters.  There is, of course, a lot of opposition to this by other groups one of the most vocal groups being the equestrians and the audobon society. There was a public meeting on Friday at which hunters were greatly outnumbered by anti groups. SWFWMD is currently taking comments online at www.watermatters.org/huntcomment If you can, make a comment there supporting the increased opportunities as we all know there will be plenty of support on the anti's side. 

Here is a link to an article



Thanks for the info, huntinhard. 
These are important times for sportsmen,...and this is another great example of how important it is for sportsmen to become involved and unite with a clear voice that lets all involved know that decisions such as the one to be made here will not be taken lightly. 

Reading the article, it is apparent that, like always in these instances, emotionalism will attempt to rule over science, logic, fairness, and compromise.  Florida sportsmen must speak up!....and they must do it loudly and with numbers that let everyone involved in the decision-making process know that emotionally-based decisions will have consequences. 

In this instance and all others, those that do not want to hunt do not have to.  Those that wish to participate responsibly in the hunting heritage should be allowed to do so,....as long as the appropriate measures are put in place to insure that all of the parties involved have their concerns reasonably addressed. 

Unfortunately, sportsmen have been notoriously apathetic in doing what it takes to protect their legitimate interests.  All of us have the tendency to hope that someone else will deal with these kinds of problems for us.  I would suggest that, if the sportsmen from Florida, here in New Mexico,....and everywhere else,...want to continue to hunt in the future, it is long past time for all of us to discontinue that approach. 


Not surprising at all. Up here in central Florida, there are a lot of "public" lands that are not open to hunters. Yet they are open to hikers, bikers and equestrians. One that really irks me to no end is in Volusia County right on the St. Johns River. It is a beautiful property, loaded with deer, hogs, turkeys, alligators, ducks, small game and fish. Hunters can't set foot on the place, but every weekend, you see the wealthy equestrians in there. Escalades, Tahoes and other high dollar SUV's line the lot, with long, fancy horse trailers. These guys recreate on prime, pristine Florida land, and don't pay one thin dime to do so!! >:(
Hunters have to buy WMA stamps, and are limited where we can go. The hikers, bikers & equestrians recreate for free. At the most they have to pay a few dollars parking fee in some WMA's. Even the WMA's that we are allowed to hunt on are open to hikers, bikers and equestrians. They often show up during the hunts and cruise around the woods ruining people's hunts. Then they stop at the check station and complain that the hunters shouldn't be allowed there because we are endangering them. >:(
On some of the Special Opportunity hunts that I have been on, I pay a good bit of money to go on these restrictive hunts. A few of those times, equestrians from nearby farms ride up on me while trespassing and ruin my hunt. Of course FFWCC has far too few game wardens, and they are always too busy working private land to care about WMA's. >:(
And they wonder why hunting is a dying sport in Florida. If it wasn't for the Osceola, it would be dead already. Definitely go to the website above and comment.


I submitted for us. i used to live in fla. and hunt several wma's in osceola county. A few years ago I went back down for a few days during turkey season couldnt believe they were allowing people to drive all over the place on atv's. This is B.S.
The same thing is starting to happen here in ga. with the horseback riders...
This burns me up to see these people using this land at the hunters exspense and then complaining about hunters.
<- <- <= <- <- <- <-


How can those of us from other parts of the country help? My suggestion is a simple email or letter to the decision makers. Sticking to facts, and using a diplomatic and respectful approach is paramount. I will be sending an email and letter from New Mexico. Here is my intial draft thoughts on what I intend to include. I would suggest others from across the country do the same.

To Whom It May Concern,
I reside in New Mexico. I have recently become aware of ongoing debate and discussion in your area regarding whether the management of certain properties should be modified to include additional recreational opportunities, including hunting. I understand that significant opposition to this change has been expressed. I would hope that you, as one of the final decision makers, would evaluate all sides of the issue based on facts, rather than emotion.

Obviously, I am not directly affected by this specific issue. I do not want to be viewed as a long-distance busy-body that has been asked by someone to be part of a pro/con numbers count. What I am is a concerned citizen who has witnessed too many emotion-driven decisions made to appease a vocal minority without regard to facts, science, or the concerns of other parties involved.

Hunting is a long-held tradition and way of life for those people that choose to participate. The validity of hunting as a wildlife management tool and as a legitimate recreational activity has been consistently upheld across the United States. The decision to allow regulated hunting in a particular location should perhaps be made primarily on safety concerns. Those that oppose hunting often do so by instilling fear into the hearts and minds of those that are uninformed. The fact is that hunting is an extremely safe recreational pursuit. In practically every instance and circumstance, measures can be put in place to accommodate all reasonable safety concerns.

As a hunter who travels around the country on occasion to pursue unique opportunities, I would like to interject a few points to be made that are specifically relevant to your situation. One of the species that exists in the areas being discussed is the Osceola subspecies of wild turkey. This subspecies is highly coveted by sportsmen across the country. There are limited opportunities for hunting this bird, as its geographic range is restricted to, roughly, the southern half of Florida. The availability of this subspecies in the areas in question presents a golden opportunity to increase tourism and the associated economic impacts to area businesses and residents.

All told, there are compelling reasons, based on reality and facts, that would seem to make the decision to open these areas an easy one. Please do not let emotion and hyperbole sway you. Hunting is a legitimate and treasured recreational pastime for millions of us. With the proper considerations and precautions, it is compatible with any other use of these areas. I would encourage you to consider it with an open mind.

Thank you for your time and attention to my concerns,

Old Gobbler

Sign of the times.... South Florida is no longer the deepest of the south -----it is in fact transforming into another LA- California with a the identical mindset fast becoming another fru-fru yuppie land , where there are hoards of anti-hunting types -  most of the legislation is passed in Tallahassee and are watered down by the rest of the pro hunting conservative population votes, where we could loose is on small South Florida regional situations like

Talking to these bureaucrats or politicians must be kept to the point and short- you have to tell them that if they choose to vote against your agenda , you will do your very best to unseat them in the next election , and that you will be vindictive and well organized about it by distributing vote score cards to all the hunters in the state , again votes, votes, votes - don't beat around the bush by making this statement , this is all they are concerned with - don't waist your breath with all the hunting heritage blah,blah's... getting re-elected is where he action is -

The "Share Holder" system is skewed with these hearings - there is loads of empty shell organizations like Audubon that show up -

I have only on the thousands of visits to the WMA's only seen Audubon folks a handful of times and even less for the horse people , their numbers at the commission meetings are are a bluff - however there is a growing problem with ATV , Jeep , and Dirt Bike people that need to be blocked off the WMA's before they attempt to make a foothold like they did in Ocala WMA

1) we need to fight Fire with Fire   - create more hunting orgs like they have. and show up in mass to the hearings - we do have a few good friends , like the UWF with Newton Cook ,and NWTF's Joe Brennon and others ,there needs to be more of these mobilized types that can get things done like they have done a excellent job of opening up youth seasons and waterfowl areas -

2) mad dash - similar to the Oklahoma land grab ,many of us have been in communication with some movers and shakers and there needs to be urgency placed  upon grabbing up and expanding as many new seasons and hunting areas as possible , cause in 20 years time we will be on the defensive as the state reaches a estimated 40 million {voters} and most of them will not be in the least sympathetic to hunting 

In all I think that money and votes is where the hunters hold the upper hand over the anti's  , the revenue generated from hunting and fishing license sales {millions}is the same money that pays the salaries of the FWC commissioners that sit on that board , Audubon doesn't pay any fee's ad , or contribute to the FWC budget ........

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



This should stay right at the top!  Every single member of OG should be taking the time to vote in favor of allowing hunting on these properties!  ...And make a rational comment as to why.....


Bump for those who may not have seen this yet