I'm a Hevi-13 7's guy from 2010. That's all that I put through my 835 with 300 plus at 40. I've stockpiled enough to last my lifetime, so I won't be changing. With this being said and after looking at the Hevishot website, it seems these Mag blends are basically the same shell with a few Hyped-up marketing GIMMICKS. 1. They have added the word Tungsten on their packaging to give the APPEARANCE that tungsten plays a BIG role in the makeup. It states 12g/cc so nothing has really changed there, other than MARKETING HYPE. 2. Their website also boasts a GREATER distance then we can discuss here as well but only patterning this shell in your choke and gun will tell the FACTS. 3. With the changes they made to their components after having such a QUALITY product in their early offerings, you can't be sure these shells in a new package will perform as the early offerings would but maybe from 2017. IMO Hevi-shot has lost market share since their early debacle. I have plenty of the early lot numbers in the HEVI 13 7 loads, so I'll stick with a TRUE winner in my book. As I stated in #2, only patterning will Answer the question presented IMO.