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A good website to post picture here?

Started by YoungGobbler, January 29, 2024, 07:15:53 PM

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You do NOT have to host them on a website, you simply have to make sure they are the proper format (.jpg seems to work best) and that they are within the size dimensions allotted.

You may have to make your pics smaller. Here is how you would post. Hit Additional options just under the box your are typing in just under it on left side.  Then hit attach and it will let you select pictures from your computer or phone, If you want more than one picture push "More attachments" and you will be able to add from your computer the same as you did the first time. You are allowed up to 4 pictures.

Second picture shows how to resize using Paint on any Windows based computer, be sure to save the image as an .jpg file or other supported file. If you do not know how to access pain in bottom left hand corner of PC there is a box you can type in, type Paint and paint will come up and you select that and do as I showed above and then save it. Be sure you do not rename it the same as the image you resized, I usually ad 2.0 to the title so I know which is the new one. (Sorry, copy and paste of old post, pictures are out of order, I will fix them after I get my GF fed.

Every image I have ever shared for someone has had to have one of these things done, every one.

That said if you do want to use a hosting site they are nice if you want to share more than four pictures. I use both imgur.com (Make sure you chose BBC when you share pictures from there to here or they will not work. and Flickr. with good results.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


Quote from: GobbleNut on January 30, 2024, 09:31:19 AM
For anybody that is using a PC and having issues with pics here on OG, you might want to try imgur (it's free).   Here's the process (may appear to be too complicated from these directions, but it really is not once you have done it...if I can do it, anybody can...  ;D )
Go to imgur and set up an account and log-on. 
Follow the screen prompts to upload your pictures (you will have to have them on your PC, so you may have to upload your pics to your PC if they are on a phone, camera, or something else). 
Back to imgur now, you will go to "images" (listed under your account/screen name in the upper right hand corner), then "add images", then "browse" your pictures on your PC and follow the loading prompts (such as "drag and drop") to transfer to imgur. 
Once you have loaded your pics on imgur, you will have a "gallery" showing your photos.  Click on the photo you want to upload to OG.
That will take you to another screen showing that photo with several sharing options on the right side.  You will click the "copy" window on the "BBCode" option for "message boards and forums".
You will also need to size your photo properly, the options are at the bottom, so you will need to choose the proper size for showing in a post on OG.  (I have found that the "medium thumbnail" option seems to be the right size...not too big and not too small).
Your picture will now be ready to transfer to your post on OG.
Go to the OG thread where you want to post the pic (I always have two "windows" open on my computer, one with imgur and the other with OG to simplify the transfer process) and open your "reply" window where you want to post the pic.
Right click in the reply window, hit "paste", and your picture should load (always preview your reply to make sure the pic loaded and is an appropriate size...if it is not, go back to imgur and change the sizing option)
...Repeat as needed to load multiple pics... :icon_thumright:
Dang man, I have been struggling with Imgur for a long time as I was manually adjusting pic sizes and it would only intermittently accept my changes(a pain)......the little clickable "size/thumbnail" choices never even registered with me. I tested it based on your instructions and sure enough it works great....Thanks!
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Thanks a lot for your answers. I like the idea of Die-a-lot since I don't really want to put hunting pictures on a hosting website... I will try to do it his way, if it doesn't work for me I will use Imgur or your others suggestions... And then I'll post some hunting pics I have...Thanks!


I do the resize thing also and it works well for me here. No hosting site involved. I am on a computer tho and not sure if/how it works on other devices. I keep all my resized pics in a separate folder. Its also nice that the pictures aren't so large that it makes it hard to read the whole thread.


Just a quick note, if you use Imgur make sure to put a lower case l where I am about to show you in [] otherwise the picture will end up huge and nobody will send you a CHRISTmas card next year.
So between the last letter in the code before .jpeg you want to put the l NO BRACKET THOUGH JUST THE LOWER CASE L
img         https://i.imgur.com/szw9QDJ.[l].jpeg img
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


Seems like i can post pictures now... I did it with your method Sir-Die-a-lot  :icon_thumright: Will make a few test to get rid of this white thing... But we'll get it i think... Thanks buddy  :icon_thumright:


Good... Now a post with hunting pictures will come soon...


Glad to see you got it figured out no matter  who's method worked, being able to share things makes the site even more fun.

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Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."