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Turkey Calls => Trumpets / Wingbones Forum => Topic started by: troutfisher13111 on March 10, 2018, 11:11:50 AM

Title: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 10, 2018, 11:11:50 AM
There seems to be a lot of threads posted about what trumpet to buy for a beginner or talk about how to play one. Since I'm still a beginner myself, I thought I'd share my thoughts. This is my very humble opinion about it, keep in mind I'm relatively new to trumpets(3 years).

I've owned or own Cox, Buice, and Hornstra. And although all of them are very well built and play easily, there are several more affordable options that offer the same quality and playability. I'm not saying you can't buy a bad one, or that it's not important to get one that plays easily. I just don't think it's necessary for a new trumpet player to go with one of the big dollar names. You can spend $75 to $150 and get a great playing trumpet. The amount of effort you put into learning how to play and practice is what's gonna make the real difference.

However, if collectability or maintaining value are important, then knock yourself out with one of the more expensive calls, they are certainly worth it.

Another thing to keep in mind when looking for a good playing trumpet is that there is a lot of personal preference involved. Just because one maker is the best for someone, doesn't mean it's the best for everyone. Which brings me to my next opinion, I think when you're first starting out you should really stick to one trumpet until your at least proficient enough to call in live turkey with it. Then maybe try others.

All that being said, these are all trumpet makers who's calls I've owned and found to be user friendly. They are in no specific order. I did separate the big dollar from the more affordable.

Frank Cox
Billy Buice
Herb Hornstra

Kenny Pedelahore(KP)
Ralph Permar
Brian Mero
Billy McCallister(Natural Addiction)
Lee Chadwick(Misfire)
Dave Hodgkins(Black falcon)
Daryl Slaton
Austy Bott
Robert Glover(Crawdad)
Joe Slaton(Mother lode)
Matt Mclain
Anthony Ellis(AGE)
Glen Marrer
Steve Turpin
Chris Brumfiel
Daryal Gosey(NCbowjunkie)

On to playing. There are some great YouTube videos that will greatly speed up the learning process. Search for them and watch them all.

Here are a few key things that I have learned along the way that you don't always see or read in tutorials. Or they're there but are details that we tend to overlook. The basics like hand control, pressure, how to get specific calls, etc are what stick out. But these things are as equally important if not more.

First, make sure your lip stop is adjusted correctly. I learned the hard way it is more important than you may think. What I do is start with it adjusted as far up as possible and try it there. I keep bringing it down a hair until I get a consistent sound. For me, I want the mouthpiece to be just about even with the back of my lips.

Next, another thing that took me a bit to learn is keep your lips relaxed. For me it felt natural to put pressure on them, but you will get much better sound and some rasp with relaxed lips.

The next thing I've learned is to draw air through the call to the back of your throat. This gives you the most control and best sound. I think a lot of guys want to use their jaw more and mimic a kissing motion. You can get a yelp that'll work, but it's limited in control and range. My jaw barely moves when I yelp now if at all. I get the break in my yelp by using air control.

Pressure is important, it takes very little airflow to run a trumpet. Way less than you think. I have heard guys say you should be able to breath while running one.

Having an open mind and a constant willingness to learn is also important. I've been told Zach Farmer has spent a lifetime getting to where he is at.

Most importantly, practice practice practice!!

I hope some of this helps. I am still a beginner and these are the things that I overlooked at first.

Feel free to add anything. Like I said, I'm still learning too

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: gergg on March 10, 2018, 11:25:31 AM
Great advice Terry....the only thing I would add is that each person and trumpet is unique, find what works for you. Having grown up playing sports and instruments, I know that there are a multitude of ways to make "it" work. I may eventually change the way I play a trumpet, but for now it works for me and it is not what most teach as ideal......lots of ways to "skin a cat".
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Rapscallion Vermilion on March 10, 2018, 11:36:14 AM
Excellent post Terry

It is certainly possible to breath and call non-stop while running a trumpet, not that you'd want to make it habit  ;D  but it is a good exercise.  To illustrate the concept of how little pressure is needed, another exercise is to take a really deep breath and then run the trumpet. 

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Crawdad on March 10, 2018, 12:04:25 PM
Terry you have done a remarkable job of your description in learning the use of the Trumpet. Thank you for taking the time to do that. Crawdad
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Jlosee on March 10, 2018, 12:23:29 PM
Great post. I am wanting to get a trumpet but wasn't sure where to start.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: SteelerFan on March 10, 2018, 12:33:38 PM
Excellent write up!

Like Terry, I'm still a novice with 3 yrs in. Some things I've learned to go along with Terry's post: - keep in mind numerous factors work in sync with each other constantly to produce the desired sound:

Placement on lips
Amount of air drawn
"Speed" of air drawn
Placement of "playing hand"
Placement of sound chamber hand
Size of sound chamber (cupping hands)
Amount of back pressure (amount you block the air flow at the end of the trumpet)

All that to say, any one, or all of those can make a difference. It really is like playing an instrument. Experiment with changing one, some, or all until you get comfortable with producing the desired sounds. Move, change, experiment, constantly when you are first starting out.

Here is a link like Terry mentioned for 26 "How To" vids on running a trumpet:

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: EZ on March 10, 2018, 12:45:00 PM
Great thread. I'll just throw my little bit of advice in. I love all air operated calls, and the basic principle of running them is the same. I would suggest "learning" on a "well built" all gobbler wingbone. Once you can run one of those with ease of controlling the large volume of air, running a trumpet will be a breeze.

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on March 10, 2018, 12:48:25 PM
Great post Terry you are right about relaxed loose lips get the rasp. Another thing that Lee Chadwick or Misfire calls taught me was covering the hole about 3/4 of It with a finger. Each trumpet varies in How much of hole you cover up some calls you don't need to like wingbones I don't cover the hole just cup my hands around it. I am very new to trumpets as well and I just really enjoy practicing with them here are some that I have and think they are user friendly Misfire,KP,Chris Brumfiel,AGE,Mero,Buice,Turpin,Natural addiction. They all have their own little sweet spots that sound the best but it only usually takes a couple yelps for me to find it. Billy Buice told me that every sound that comes out of a trumpet is a turkey sound so don't fret the little hiccups. He also said that you have a range of 1 mile with a trumpet.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 10, 2018, 01:03:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words and more importantly for adding more. Maybe we can get Shannon to make this thread a sticky. Then we can all watch it grow and learn from one another!

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: crow on March 10, 2018, 01:08:44 PM
very good well thought out post,

one thing I would add that helps with getting a consistent good sound, is when practicing hold (or draw out) the low note as long as you can, do the same for the high note. this is a good exercise or drill for air and muscle control. Practicing this was a help when putting together a series of good sounding yelps.

Ralph Permar's 1/2 hr you-tube is also a very good one to learn from
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: paboxcall on March 10, 2018, 01:58:29 PM
One of our fellow OG members helped me along the way to learn how to run a trumpet call. I have been learning for about 7 or 8 years now, and I get a little better each season. I will add these thoughts to this excellent thread.

First, this is a long term commitment to learn how to control airflow with a trumpet. Don't go on a buying binge. Start with one trumpet, get the best you can afford and stick with it for the first year or two. That is hard with all the great builders here or available, but as my mentor said "do you want to hunt trumpet calls or collect trumpet calls?" I have bought sold many, and several years back settled on one. Once I did my skills improved.

Second, my mentor suggested buying a digital recorder and placing the recorder about 40 or so yards away, outside, from where I am calling. Do a few runs, then walk over and objectively listen to yourself run the call. This gives you immediate feedback on  the following variables copied directly from Steeler's post:

Quote from: SteelerFan on March 10, 2018, 12:33:38 PM
Placement on lips
Amount of air drawn
"Speed" of air drawn
Placement of "playing hand"
Placement of sound chamber hand
Size of sound chamber (cupping hands)
Amount of back pressure (amount you block the air flow at the end of the trumpet)

Based on what you heard, make small changes and repeat the process.

EZ gives an excellent tip - and I agree 100%:
Quote from: EZ on March 10, 2018, 12:45:00 PM
Great thread. I'll just throw my little bit of advice in. I love all air operated calls, and the basic principle of running them is the same. I would suggest "learning" on a "well built" all gobbler wingbone. Once you can run one of those with ease of controlling the large volume of air, running a trumpet will be a breeze.

As mentioned it takes so little air to run a trumpet. Reality is the sounds travels a long way with this call, and standing on a ridge overlooking few hundred acres of ground its natural to crank it up - draw lots of air belting out the yelps. No necessary. Slow it down and less is better.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: gergg on March 10, 2018, 02:08:48 PM
I noticed the first year I practiced that I was playing/practicing way too loud, in the woods trumpets are very loud, so it takes very little air to be heard. In my mind it is better to practice playing as quietly/softly as possible, take that effort to the woods and you will be shocked how potent the call is.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Gobbler428 on March 10, 2018, 08:19:32 PM
Thanks Terry, I'm a newbie at running a trumpet - got an AGE from Anthony two weeks ago and have looked at all the YouTube videos.  I enjoyed reading your post very much and found it to be very helpful.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: batsonbe on March 11, 2018, 09:45:19 AM
What factors go into controlling pitch?
I'm playing around with the depth of the lip stop, location of the mouth piece, and angle of the mouth piece to see what works for me
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 11, 2018, 09:57:44 AM
Quote from: batsonbe on March 11, 2018, 09:45:19 AM
What factors go into controlling pitch?
I'm playing around with the depth of the lip stop, location of the mouth piece, and angle of the mouth piece to see what works for me
Air pressure and how you use your hands. For me, more pressure with my draw creates a higher tone. Also, if I constrict the air flow a bit more with my finger over the end and open my other hand a hair it gets a higher sound.

The way I hold my call I have my thumb and pointer finger grasping the bell. I slide the pointer finger down a bit over the opening to create back pressure and the remaining 3 fingers and my other hand form a chamber over it all. Open the chamber up a bit while using my one finger to cover a hair more of the opening to restrict flow gets me the higher sound. I also draw air sharper.

Does that make sense?

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: guesswho on March 11, 2018, 11:59:26 AM
Terry. good post and advice.

As I kid, every time my parents got me a drink in a cup with a straw I was practicing how to control the air flow on a suction style caller, I just didn't realize it at the time.  I was always holding the drink half way up in the straw, slowly raising it to the top without getting a drink, lowering it back down to the bottom etc.  Same principal applies with a trumpet style caller except the drink has been replaced with air.  I've heard some people say its taken close to a year to get decent yelps.  It took me about 15 minutes with my first trumpet style caller and I was getting huntable yelps simply by taking slow sips of air.  Once you get to that point with the yelps I think you have the foundation to really improve your proficiency with this style caller.   After that its just practice.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: batsonbe on March 11, 2018, 12:30:38 PM
Thank you for the advice I will try the cupping technique. I am trying to play it while driving so I obviously can't form the chamber. I'm trying to cover the hole, not plug, it with one finger. I've got the raspiness out of the call before I just don't know what I did so I can duplicate that. Right now I feel I'm drawing a small amount of air likely too hard because I'm trying to not be loud, but the force using to draw the air is causing it to have a super high pitch.? Not sure. Just going to keep messing around with it
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: gergg on March 11, 2018, 03:09:22 PM
Quote from: batsonbe on March 11, 2018, 12:30:38 PM
Thank you for the advice I will try the cupping technique. I am trying to play it while driving so I obviously can't form the chamber. I'm trying to cover the hole, not plug, it with one finger. I've got the raspiness out of the call before I just don't know what I did so I can duplicate that. Right now I feel I'm drawing a small amount of air likely too hard because I'm trying to not be loud, but the force using to draw the air is causing it to have a super high pitch.? Not sure. Just going to keep messing around with it
I practice playing trumpets every day in the car during my long commute, helps with the one-handed calling which is important to master. Using one hand, I use my middle finger across the bell opening to meter the air and the remaining fingers to create the sound chamber. Sometimes with one handed playing I just make a sound chamber with my entire hand wrapped around the bell, then I can squeeze my hand into different shapes to adjust the pitch/raspiness/etc....works really well for soft calling too.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: The Cohutta Strutter on March 12, 2018, 01:06:51 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 10, 2018, 01:03:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words and more importantly for adding more. Maybe we can get Shannon to make this thread a sticky. Then we can all watch it grow and learn from one another!

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Couldn't agree with you more ! :icon_thumright:
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: callmakerman on March 12, 2018, 05:32:09 PM
Great post Terry and long over due. For me where I placed the mouth piece on my lips made a big difference. If you watch guys like Zack Farmer play they place it in the middle which does not work for me. I place the mouth piece to the right side of middle and this gives me the control and playability I'm looking for.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 12, 2018, 03:47:05 PM
Just added Chris Brumfiel to the list. Received a trumpet from him today that is well built and plays well at a good price.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on April 12, 2018, 07:11:06 PM
Sharp looking call Terry. I found that on Chris's trumpet I don't need to cover much of the hole or any at all. I feel I get a good sound just by cupping my hands over the bell. If I cover it I only block about 1/4 of the hole. I would love to hear you play it if you are smarter than me for posting a sound file. I did a You tube called Brumfiel trumpet and Turkey call Ezolt wingbone. I would love to hear some suggestions from you If you can find them on you tube. Enjoy your call
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 12, 2018, 07:15:07 PM
I will post a sound clip soon if I can. But I am not an expert or even very good. I just have a passion for trumpets and want to help people with the learning curve. I figure I'll be learning for as long as I try to play a trumpet.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on April 12, 2018, 09:44:33 PM
I know I'm not the greatest trumpet player, but man I love playing them. I play everyday it may only be a few yelps some days but it's usually more. Some people sit on their porch swing playing a harmonica I sit on mine and play my trumpets .it's a relaxing hobby
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: boatpaddle on April 13, 2018, 06:58:20 AM
Excellent post, Terry....

2 things, I'll add, that I feel are important. ..

1. Practice with your gloves on..
2. Never point your trumpet or wingbone directly at an incoming gobbler...

Allot of times with the excitement,  we tend to get louder, then we need to be...With a suction call being omni- directional,  they  are louder then we think , when pointed directly at a gobbler..

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Sir-diealot on April 13, 2018, 07:21:59 AM
I am trying to learn the wingbone myself and have been using these videos that are for the trumpet to help me out a bit. Next year I should be able to afford a trumpet, I may make it my CHRISTmas/birthday present to myself this year. Here are the videos that were suggested to me. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbF6qMoJbTLzkdmzIrqSSxeTkJKKmXVg8
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: boatpaddle on April 13, 2018, 07:38:53 AM
When you make any change to your calling style....

Only do one thing/change at a time...It eliminates the guess work of the, which change worked & which one didn't issue...

Stay relaxed, when running your trumpet....

Practice for a short period of time...Your lips do get tired & sore, if you over do it.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on April 13, 2018, 10:42:27 AM
Quote from: boatpaddle on April 13, 2018, 06:58:20 AM
Excellent post, Terry....

2 things, I'll add, that I feel are important. ..

1. Practice with your gloves on..
2. Never point your trumpet or wingbone directly at an incoming gobbler...

Allot of times with the excitement,  we tend to get louder, then we need to be...With a suction call being omni- directional,  they  are louder then we think , when pointed directly at a gobbler..
Excellent points!!! I learned about the gloves changing things and never thought about the pointing at birds. I try to point in all different directions so it seems I am moving but never thought of directly at them, thanks

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 13, 2018, 07:33:22 PM
Here is an inside clip of me playing. No matter how hard I try it is very loud inside and echoy. Probably due to my very open floor plan in my house. It distorts the sound which brings me to another point, practice outside when you can. It totally changes the sound dynamic. Right now I am afraid to because I have some toms occasionally hanging around behind my house that I might be hunting in a couple weeks.


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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: boatpaddle on April 13, 2018, 07:42:43 PM

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: SteelerFan on April 13, 2018, 08:36:41 PM
Quote from: Terry on April 13, 2018, 07:33:22 PM
Here is an inside clip of me playing. No matter how hard I try it is very loud inside and echoy. Probably die to my very open floor plan in my house. It distorts the sound which brings me to another point, practice outside when you can. It totally changes the sound dynamic. Right now I am afraid to because I have some toms occasionally hanging around behind my house that I might be hunting in a couple weeks.


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Sounds really good!
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: SteelerFan on April 13, 2018, 09:15:14 PM
Terry is so right about the "outside" sound dynamic. I really believe the trumpet is unique in that way - the way the sound carries. To me, a trumpet doesn't sound as "turkey" as other calls - but the birds respond well to it.

Here's a short outside clip of a Brian Mero trumpet. The sound really travels well, even when you're not cranking on it...

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on April 13, 2018, 09:51:01 PM
You guys both sound good. I can tell it would be excellent outside Terry. Steelerfan you sound great as well. Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: crow on April 13, 2018, 09:55:11 PM
Quote from: Terry on April 13, 2018, 07:33:22 PM
Here is an inside clip of me playing. No matter how hard I try it is very loud inside and echoy. Probably due to my very open floor plan in my house. It distorts the sound which brings me to another point, practice outside when you can. It totally changes the sound dynamic. Right now I am afraid to because I have some toms occasionally hanging around behind my house that I might be hunting in a couple weeks.


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nice break over in the yelps
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 22, 2018, 01:03:07 PM
Same trumpet outside, what a difference


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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: J_Bird on March 11, 2022, 07:57:18 AM
Lot of great info here. Picked up a trumpet this year to try and learn

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Title: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 11, 2022, 09:30:55 AM
Man this is an old thread, I don't even sound like that anymore

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: gergg on March 11, 2022, 10:39:44 AM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 09:30:55 AM
Man this is an old thread, I don't even sound like that anymore

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True, I was just listening to you then and now, good improvement/difference.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: RLAG on March 11, 2022, 12:35:56 PM
Terry you should post up a sound file of what you sound like now for comparison

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: gergg on March 11, 2022, 01:26:16 PM
I like that sound clip a lot Terry.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: EZ on March 11, 2022, 01:42:17 PM
Quote from: gergg on March 11, 2022, 01:26:16 PM
I like that sound clip a lot Terry.

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: sbbow on March 11, 2022, 02:47:06 PM
Well done!

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Gog1015 on March 11, 2022, 04:23:29 PM
If I can ever get my trumpets to sound like yours my vest will be a lot lighter! Well done.

Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Kygobblergetter on March 11, 2022, 07:42:46 PM
Wow... that sounds really really good! I've never hunted with a trumpet before but have been practicing since last season and improved a lot. This thread has a LOT of great advice that would be very helpful to someone starting off. Very impressive the improvement you've made over the years terry

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 12, 2022, 07:59:17 AM
Thanks for the compliments. It's been a lot of practice and dedication

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Brillo on March 12, 2022, 09:39:19 AM
I thought your first sound file was very good but the second was amazing.  Did you use your trumpet hunting last year?  How did it go? 
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on March 12, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
I have been hunting with one since 2016 I think. The turkeys have liked Both styles of playing equally well from what I can tell.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on March 12, 2022, 10:37:29 AM
Sounding awesome Terry. That sounds like a real turkey and not a guy playing a trumpet very nicely done!!!
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: RLAG on March 12, 2022, 04:46:49 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 12, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
I have been hunting with one since 2016 I think. The turkeys have liked Both styles of playing equally well from what I can tell.

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That's super interesting. To the human ear, we all think you sound more realistic now but you don't think the birds care one way or the other. Who's trumpet were you using in the video from the other day?

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Rapscallion Vermilion on March 12, 2022, 07:48:58 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 12, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
I have been hunting with one since 2016 I think. The turkeys have liked Both styles of playing equally well from what I can tell.

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Great observation.  I think that is spot on.  Cadence and length of note trump clear versus rasp as far as I have been able to tell.  Some of my early experiences with trumpets I thought the turkeys were giving me way more credit than I deserved. 
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: EZ on March 13, 2022, 10:38:09 AM
Quote from: Rapscallion Vermilion on March 12, 2022, 07:48:58 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 12, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
I have been hunting with one since 2016 I think. The turkeys have liked Both styles of playing equally well from what I can tell.

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Great observation.  I think that is spot on.  Cadence and length of note trump clear versus rasp as far as I have been able to tell.  Some of my early experiences with trumpets I thought the turkeys were giving me way more credit than I deserved.

I concur 100%.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: justin.arps on March 13, 2022, 12:46:45 PM
Thanks for this thread, I've only owned one trumpet thus far second is on its way. I find it very peaceful to set out on the porch and just talk turkey. It is definitely like learning to play A instrument. That's what drew me to the trumpet.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: crow on March 13, 2022, 03:21:50 PM
Very nice

nice air control and rasp coming thru
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: paboxcall on March 13, 2022, 04:03:21 PM
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Tom007 on March 23, 2022, 08:07:38 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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Wow, that sounds awesome. You sure there ain't no hens there...lol. Great job Terry. I got a long way to go....
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Treerooster on March 26, 2022, 03:36:19 PM
I'll throw in one piece of advice that everyone may not think about, al least at first.

Make your lanyard so it just fits over your head. This sets the trumpet/wingbone high up on your chest. You can then operate it with 1 hand while holding the gun up the other with very little movement. Not always necessary, but can come in handy at times. I can run a mouth diaphragm good enough but still like my trumpet more for the soft & in-close stuff.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: mspaci on March 27, 2022, 11:11:44 AM
Ive got Mero & Gwaltny trumpets that were not expensive & are just as good as any. Mike
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: 2flyfish4 on March 29, 2022, 08:57:50 PM
Chap stick is not your friend, even though I hate dry lips, I seem to sound alot better and more consistent with dry lips.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: mountainhunter1 on April 02, 2022, 01:01:47 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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That is big boy calling right there. I like that clip in a whole bunch of ways. Thanks for sharing that.

I'm killing birds with both the wingbone and the trumpet, but I still sound a lot more like your clips from back in 2018. This may be a really stupid question, but if you don't mind me asking - what was the one or maybe a couple of things that made it click to where you are getting the sound now versus what it was on your older clips? Just world of difference in your current sound. You to me sound pretty much like pure turkey in this latest clip.
Title: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 02, 2022, 01:14:25 PM
Quote from: mountainhunter1 on April 02, 2022, 01:01:47 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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That is big boy calling right there. I like that clip in a whole bunch of ways. Thanks for sharing that.

I'm killing birds with both the wingbone and the trumpet, but I still sound a lot more like your clips from back in 2018. This may be a really stupid question, but if you don't mind me asking - what was the one or maybe a couple of things that made it click to where you are getting the sound now versus what it was on your older clips? Just world of difference in your current sound. You to me sound pretty much like pure turkey in this latest clip.
I appreciate your kind words. There is two pieces of advice I can give. The first is to listen to as many real hens as possible. Hard to do consistently for most of us in real life so I listen to a lot of recordings of wild turkeys. The Tree Top Turkey CD's are my favorite. Second is to practice, practice, practice. You gain a control over the air you're bringing in that allows you to get the sounds you want but there are no secrets, just practice. There are guys way better than me and they practice a lot more than I do.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: mountainhunter1 on April 02, 2022, 02:22:15 PM
Quote from: Terry on April 02, 2022, 01:14:25 PM
Quote from: mountainhunter1 on April 02, 2022, 01:01:47 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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That is big boy calling right there. I like that clip in a whole bunch of ways. Thanks for sharing that.

I'm killing birds with both the wingbone and the trumpet, but I still sound a lot more like your clips from back in 2018. This may be a really stupid question, but if you don't mind me asking - what was the one or maybe a couple of things that made it click to where you are getting the sound now versus what it was on your older clips? Just world of difference in your current sound. You to me sound pretty much like pure turkey in this latest clip.
I appreciate your kind words. There is two pieces of advice I can give. The first is to listen to as many real hens as possible. Hard to do consistently for most of us in real life so I listen to a lot of recordings of wild turkeys. The Tree Top Turkey CD's are my favorite. Second is to practice, practice, practice. You gain a control over the air you're bringing in that allows you to get the sounds you want but there are no secrets, just practice. There are guys way better than me and they practice a lot more than I do.

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I know this was an older thread, but I had never seen it. Anyway, one of the best threads I have seen on here and I bet that there are a bunch on here who had not seen it previously, but yet they will get to now. And a quality thread like this is worth seeing more than once either way.

I noticed in another response of yours that you said the turkeys did not seem to differentiate too much between your earlier sound and what you are doing now. I still sound a bit more like your earlier sound, but the same is true for me as they are coming to me in the woods. I guess we all just have a certain turkey sound we are looking for and I think you are getting pretty close to the sound that my ear prefers. Anyway, congrats - you have clearly put in the homework and it sound really good. Thanks for sharing your journey and your thoughts from it with the trumpet.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Chris O on April 02, 2022, 10:03:21 PM
Quote from: Terry on April 02, 2022, 01:14:25 PM
Quote from: mountainhunter1 on April 02, 2022, 01:01:47 PM
Quote from: Terry on March 11, 2022, 01:14:16 PM

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I appreciate your kind words. There is two pieces of advice I can give. The first is to listen to as many real hens as possible. Hard to do consistently for most of us in real life so I listen to a lot of recordings of wild turkeys. The Tree Top Turkey CD's are my favorite. Second is to practice, practice, practice. You gain a control over the air you're bringing in that allows you to get the sounds you want but there are no secrets, just practice. There are guys way better than me and they practice a lot more than I do.

I feel you are being very modest Terry. I was trying to teach my son how to play clean and how to get the rasp on his Ez wingbone today. I started by letting him listen to the Zach Farmer clip. Then he listened to a couple of Prudhomme clips on YouTube. Then I played your clip on this thread and his eyes opened wide and he said man that sounds awesome!!!! I don't feel the other 2 guys I mentioned before you sound any more turkey than you do. You better start entering some calling contests.
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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 04, 2022, 01:48:04 PM
I sincerely appreciate that Chris!

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Shoebuck on April 09, 2022, 07:18:57 PM
Ha Terry, just saw this and listened to your yo tube, wow, that is as real as it gets, can't beat a good trumpet.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: troutfisher13111 on April 09, 2022, 07:22:35 PM
Quote from: Shoebuck on April 09, 2022, 07:18:57 PM
Ha Terry, just saw this and listened to your yo tube, wow, that is as real as it gets, can't beat a good trumpet.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: justin.arps on April 10, 2022, 09:24:29 AM
Man your sound clips sound amazing, I sound like A wounded buffalo in comparison I'm practicing daily tho I have A passion to be good on A trumpet.

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: REBELYELL on May 03, 2023, 10:51:09 PM
Good stuff
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: ltprod on May 22, 2023, 11:05:56 PM
All good advice
Spitting feathers!!!!

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Ranman on July 19, 2023, 08:09:52 AM
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: fishr64 on March 26, 2024, 07:01:15 PM
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: Spring Creek Calls on March 26, 2024, 08:12:27 PM
Quote from: fishr64 on March 26, 2024, 07:01:15 PM

Good bump fishr
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: runngun on March 29, 2024, 12:44:23 AM
Back to the TOP!!!

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Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: coaldigger on March 29, 2024, 03:38:21 PM
Great Post!  :z-winnersmiley:
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: tal on March 29, 2024, 07:23:13 PM
  Terry and I like the same things, he's just much better at it.
Title: Re: Advice for beginning trumpet players
Post by: fishr64 on May 19, 2024, 06:49:19 PM
I've seen a couple posts with questions on trumpets, so figured I would bump this back up for their benefit.