Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => General Forum => Topic started by: camp man on March 11, 2011, 05:58:35 PM

Title: I am disgusted
Post by: camp man on March 11, 2011, 05:58:35 PM
I found some turkeys for my nephew for Florida's youth season this weekend. The only people that have permission to hunt the land is me and my "buddy" that I have taught to turkey hunt over the last 5 years. I have carried my "buddy" all over calling in a total of 6 gobblers for him and taught him what little I know about this great sport... When I found the turkeys for my nephew, I informed my "buddy" of my findings and asked him not to mees with them until I had a chance to call one in for my nephew this coming weekend and he agreed. I went to check the birds yesterday afternoon and my"buddy" was driving out of the property with a freshly poached gobbler from the flock that I have been watching and patterning for my nephew!!!!! It isn't even season here yet!!!!! I started to call the game warden on my "buddy" but decided not to. I did inform him of how greedy that I thought he was. This is the first thing that I have ever asked of my "buddy" since I have been hunting with him and this is how I am treated.... He is a true d.bag!!!!!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: chatterbox on March 11, 2011, 06:01:24 PM
I woulda reported his azz. No ethics there at all.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: shad309 on March 11, 2011, 06:03:02 PM
Yup, buddy no more. I would call
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: JVA54 on March 11, 2011, 06:07:13 PM
Quote from: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: TauntoHawk on March 11, 2011, 06:09:33 PM
I would tell him to find a new property to poach or be reported. There's no excuse for that, you can't tell me his family was in desperate need of meat from a 20lb turkey
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: alloutdoors on March 11, 2011, 06:11:26 PM
If he had done this during the open season he would be an a-hole, doing it before the season makes him a criminal (in addition to an a-hole).  Turn him in.  Your friendship clearly means nothing to him, don't let him take advantage of it further by turning a blind eye.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: whiskey on March 11, 2011, 06:12:34 PM
Well I probably wouldn't call the warden on him, but I would personally go see the land owner and inform them of the same story you told here. If it were my property, the D. Bag wouldn't be on it again.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Hognutz on March 11, 2011, 06:16:32 PM
Time for a new friend. He is obviously not loyal to you or anything that gets in his way. I would get in his face and let him know just how you feel..Then dump the P.O.S.... forever..
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: SinGin on March 11, 2011, 06:20:08 PM
Quote from: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
This pretty much say's it all. And report him.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: VAHUNTER on March 11, 2011, 06:25:37 PM
Sounds like my  brother. we have not spoke for 3 years. you just haft to wash your hands of him. not saying its easy. really hard when its family. but it can be done. i'm proof
first thing i would do if possible??? would be to have his permission termanated
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: ghillie on March 11, 2011, 06:27:32 PM
I don't know if I would go to the land owner...you both might not be able to hunt there anymore..
I would for sure let him know that the "friendship" is cut and he is on his own...

By the way...I'll be your new buddy....I live in Iowa so there is no way I could bust a hunt....or would anyway....I'll come down once a year...we will hunt....you can come north...we will hunt.....and that will be that!!!   :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: turkey slayer on March 11, 2011, 06:31:05 PM
Quote from: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
I agree!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Flydown on March 11, 2011, 06:31:36 PM
I would have whooped his butt, tied him to a tree, kicked him in the nuts and then called the game warden.
That is freaking pathetic!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: fallhnt on March 11, 2011, 06:40:33 PM
That is the type of "hunter" that needs to have the warden pay a visit.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: guesswho on March 11, 2011, 06:43:38 PM
Thats just wrong on so many levels.    At least he's providing an example of what not to be for your Nephew.  I'd tell everyone who knows him what he did.    Poaching the bird was bad, but cheating your Nephew out of an opportunity to legally take the gobbler is as low as you can get!   Better he did it to you and your youth hunter than me and mine.  I don't do well in situations like that.   Had he done me that way the Game Warden, Sheriff and Ambulance probably would have been called.   Me and him both would have road in one of the three vehicles.

Find a new buddy, cause that guy ain't one!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: TScottW99 on March 11, 2011, 07:01:01 PM
Call the warden!  That is the right thing to do, not only for you but for setting the right example to your nephew IMO.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: bawana on March 11, 2011, 07:12:31 PM
If you're not reporting him, you're condoning his activities.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: savduck on March 11, 2011, 07:14:20 PM
Quote from: alloutdoors on March 11, 2011, 06:11:26 PM
If he had done this during the open season he would be an a-hole, doing it before the season makes him a criminal (in addition to an a-hole).  Turn him in.  Your friendship clearly means nothing to him, don't let him take advantage of it further by turning a blind eye.

Couldnt say it any better myself
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: hookedspur on March 11, 2011, 07:28:29 PM
Quote from: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: TRKYHTR on March 11, 2011, 07:34:02 PM
I really just don't get people these days. He is obviously not your friend. Friends don't do that to each other. It really shows his character. I hope your nephew kills a world record right where this guy shot his turkey. I agree that I would tell everybody I know about this situation and let the chips fall where they may. I still can't believe somebody would do such a thing. I'm sorry for you.

Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: BOFF on March 11, 2011, 07:35:39 PM

Is your buddy the reason you are able to hunt the property? About the only reason I can think of to question, not turning him in.

God Bless,
David B.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: turkeybow on March 11, 2011, 07:44:33 PM
Quote from: Flydown on March 11, 2011, 06:31:36 PM
I would have whooped his butt, tied him to a tree, kicked him in the nuts and then called the game warden.
That is freaking pathetic!

:TooFunny: :TooFunny: :agreed:

I believe I would turn him in.  He obviously isn't your buddy and I sure wouldn't carry him any where else.  I would do all that I could to get his hunting rights there removed.  You could tell the land owner in a way to where it wouldn't hurt you.  If I was the land owner and you reported that to me that would tell me a lot about your character and make me want to continue to allow you to hunt.  If he finds out from someone else it could ruin it for you too if he realizes that you knew.  Even if you do lose the place it would stink but it should make you feel good about doing it.

A true buddy would appreciate everything that you have done for him and respect what you have asked.  A true hunter would abide by the law.  He isn't a true buddy or hunter so I would turn him in.  Poaching makes it bad but it makes it even worse when he is taking from the kids (your nephew).  As hunters if we don't do our part to turn people in they will never learn and there will be no examples set for others.

I know it's would not be easy turning in a buddy but it's the right thing to do.  I abide by the law and buy my license every single year.  I start hunting when it opens and quit when it closes.  We owe it to the animal we hunt because the seasons are set to benefit the species as much as it can.  I have a degree in wildlife management and know others that do and still poach.  That just goes to show you that things are real bad.  This is what has made me want to become a game warden and the day I get my job I will vow to do my job as hard as I can to bust every single poacher I can.  They will learn who I am real fast!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: bird on March 11, 2011, 07:54:19 PM
Not much of a buddy if you ask me.  More like a buddy.... well you know what I mean.

Call the CO and be done with the POS.  What kind of message is this sending your nephew if you don't turn the guy in. 

Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Bowhunter1982 on March 11, 2011, 08:07:52 PM
I would tell the landowner for sure.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: harvester on March 11, 2011, 08:11:58 PM
If you don't want to do it, send me or someone else the information, location, date, time, etc...
Will not bother me a bit to turn that POS in.  :icon_thumright:
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: VA_Birdhunter on March 11, 2011, 08:33:12 PM
Quote from: Jay on March 11, 2011, 06:04:20 PM
So basically you can't trust his word, and he's a poacher. Time to find a new buddy.
:agreed:   Hasn't took your buddy to long to forget what turkey hunting is all about.....if you have to poach a turkey to get one then you have problems!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: paintbrush on March 11, 2011, 08:42:46 PM
Quote from: alloutdoors on March 11, 2011, 06:11:26 PM
If he had done this during the open season he would be an a-hole, doing it before the season makes him a criminal (in addition to an a-hole).  Turn him in.  Your friendship clearly means nothing to him, don't let him take advantage of it further by turning a blind eye.

Totally agree with this statement!!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: camp man on March 11, 2011, 08:47:09 PM
I really appreciate the support from everyone. It truly don't get much worse than that in my book. I was just wondering if I was overreacting...I really didn't believe that I was and all the comments just confirms it. He had nothing to do with me getting permission to hunt the land. I worked out a deal with the landowner through tractor repairs that I do for him for free and in exchange, he lets me hunt. I will definitely talk to the landowner in the morning.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: CASH on March 11, 2011, 08:48:11 PM
That's just messed up. What a super douchebag. Kick his azz, then call the game warden.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: FttFttVroom! on March 11, 2011, 08:50:53 PM
I'd have a hard time not hittin the guy in the mouth.  Friendship......over.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: catdaddy on March 11, 2011, 08:52:55 PM
Quote from: CASH on March 11, 2011, 08:48:11 PM
That's just messed up. What a super douchebag. Kick his azz, then call the game warden.

We think alike. I would have tried to wrap a piece of hickory around his head. 
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: jshively on March 11, 2011, 08:56:23 PM
Telling the landowner is the best thing.  Things like this have a way of coming back to the landowner anyways so it might as well come from you.  Your friend is a jack a$$, I just feel bad for your nephew and the time and effort you were putting in so that he would have a great experience.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: turkeybow on March 11, 2011, 09:02:46 PM
Quote from: camp man on March 11, 2011, 08:47:09 PM
I really appreciate the support from everyone. It truly don't get much worse than that in my book. I was just wondering if I was overreacting...I really didn't believe that I was and all the comments just confirms it. He had nothing to do with me getting permission to hunt the land. I worked out a deal with the landowner through tractor repairs that I do for him for free and in exchange, he lets me hunt. I will definitely talk to the landowner in the morning.

Keep us posted!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: HogBiologist on March 11, 2011, 09:20:41 PM
I say turn him in.  Regardless of his "buddy" status.  I let my BIL get 3 tickets for no license this year.  Idiot was told to get it and he didnt.  SO when the warden was writing him tickets I left the guy alone.  Afterwards we shot the bull about work.  If I can turn in family (actually I didnt turn him in he got caught, I just didnt help him get out the tickets) then a Pee Poor Excuse for a friend should be no problem.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: mnturkey on March 11, 2011, 10:29:45 PM
I would call the game warden, call the landowner, then call the guy (not buddy anymore) and tell him who you called.
What he did was wrong and hurts everyone.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Shotgun on March 11, 2011, 11:16:31 PM
I would have just kicked his  that day, hog tied him, called the GW, and the land owner and taught my nephew not to put up with BS.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: TURKEYWHACKER on March 12, 2011, 06:04:27 AM
I agree with tellin' the land owner, get your ex-buddies sorry a$$ tossed from the property. Then hold em down and let your nephew kick that scum bag in the nutz. :character0029:
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Neill_Prater on March 12, 2011, 09:32:22 AM
Sorry individual, to say the very least. It is easy for all of us to say "turn him in", but sometimes things aren't that simple with friends and family. I have a friend that has a poacher for a brother-in-law. He hunts in Kansas every year on some private land, and brags about killing 5 or 6 gobblers, but, my friend knows if he turns him in, it will cause lots of problems in the family.

In this case, I'd certainly let my "buddy" know what I thought of him personally, and his lack of hunting ethics. I've never thought a turkey was worth losing a friendship over, but people are, by nature, greedy. I have permission to hunt one private farm in Kansas, where, years ago, turkeys were plentiful. I took a fellow hunting with me one year, and we hunted public land, as well as the farm. Next year, when I went by and talked with the landowners, my "buddy" had already been there and tried to get permission to hunt before I even arrived. When I saw him, he was ticked off because they didn't let him hunt! He didn't seem to have a clue as to what he had done. Needless to say, I never hunted with him again.

Do what ever your conscience dictates. Neill
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: LX_Trkyhntr on March 12, 2011, 10:18:11 AM
That's just wrong!  I would definitely have jerked him out of his truck and kicked his tale!  You had been doing the work so a YOUTH could get a chance at an undisturbed bird, and he has to go in an poach one of them.  I would have a hard time dealing with that!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: FANMAN on March 12, 2011, 10:30:54 AM
To poach a bird before a child could legally hunt it proves he is no MAN. I would have reminded him of that ,then called the law.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: JeffD on March 12, 2011, 04:58:59 PM
Turn his butt in. You'd be doing everyone a favor plus you would have the property to yourself.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: turkeyfuneral on March 12, 2011, 05:05:21 PM
Quote from: Flydown on March 11, 2011, 06:31:36 PM
I would have whooped his butt, tied him to a tree, kicked him in the nuts and then called the game warden.
That is freaking pathetic!

Well Put, NUFF SAID!!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Rio Fan on March 12, 2011, 05:14:03 PM
If he was willing to poach that turkey, it won't be the last one he'll shoot illegally (probably wasn't the first either).  What a piece of crap!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: BOFF on March 12, 2011, 06:58:26 PM
Quote from: camp man on March 11, 2011, 08:47:09 PM
I really appreciate the support from everyone. It truly don't get much worse than that in my book. I was just wondering if I was overreacting...I really didn't believe that I was and all the comments just confirms it. He had nothing to do with me getting permission to hunt the land. I worked out a deal with the landowner through tractor repairs that I do for him for free and in exchange, he lets me hunt. I will definitely talk to the landowner in the morning.

Any updates?

Hope the landowner was appreciative of you, and receptive of the news.

God Bless,
David B.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: chrisun on March 13, 2011, 07:59:34 AM
What has me thinking is....................

You just happened to be there as he was driving out. How many other times has he done this to you without you even knowing?
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: archery1 on March 13, 2011, 08:28:40 AM
he can't get a bird on his own ? got to shoot one froma kid?..... wow ...how childish is that???  hope karma will pay him a visit!!!!!!!!  i had the same thing happen to me in deer hunting season. just pathetic. HE will get his!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: neal on March 13, 2011, 10:24:58 AM
It may be his first to poach but I guarantee it WILL NOT be his last, if you don't do something!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: dirtnap on March 13, 2011, 11:00:03 AM
I would have called the game warden and not just reported it.  I would have followed him around with an officer on the phone until they intercepted him describing the vehicle, tag number, his current travel route, where he lives, etc.  He would have toted a ticket.  I don't know how it is where you live, but if you kill a bird illegally in SC: in addition to fines, you lose your license for year per bird.  It is probably too late now.  I don't think you would have gained anything by fighting him.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: shootumindaface on March 13, 2011, 11:09:35 AM
I would be hesitant to go to the warden depending on the landowner.. Albeit I am sure the landowner would not appreciate illegal activity, many landowners also do not appreciate drama..

I would do what you did and go to the landowner explain your situation and let him determine how he wants to proceed..
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: shootumindaface on March 13, 2011, 11:22:38 AM
Quote from: CamoMan4025 on March 13, 2011, 11:13:24 AM
Dirtnap is right.  Coming from a law enforcement perspective, calling the game warden  or C.O., whatever they are called is most likely not going to amount to a "hill of beans" now.  The warden isn't just go knock on his door and say, hey dirtbag, this guy said you poached a turkey........here's your ticket.  The evidence is gone and no witnesses except you and maybe your nephew.  The advantage to telling the warden is for him to keep an eye out on the property.  He may go up and talk to the guy for you, to "scare" him, but most likely won't be able to charge him.  The warden would problably tell you to go to a magistrate and fill out a criminal complaint and the warrants would be issued, but the burden would be on you and your nephew.  Do you really want to drag your nephew thru court?

My best advice is talk to the land owner and have him revoked!  Maybe if there is a locked gate or something, then ask for the key back or change the lock and just you and the owner would have a key.  

Just my .02, but that's pretty low for that guy, he is a dirtbag!

:TooFunny: Comical and correct
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Jimbob on March 13, 2011, 11:44:39 AM
Quote from: TRKYHTR on March 11, 2011, 07:34:02 PM
I really just don't get people these days. He is obviously not your friend. Friends don't do that to each other. It really shows his character. I hope your nephew kills a world record right where this guy shot his turkey. I agree that I would tell everybody I know about this situation and let the chips fall where they may. I still can't believe somebody would do such a thing. I'm sorry for you.

I feel the same way !!!! :icon_thumright:
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Jayhawkeye on March 13, 2011, 01:07:15 PM
Quote from: mnturkey on March 11, 2011, 10:29:45 PM
I would call the game warden, call the landowner, then call the guy (not buddy anymore) and tell him who you called.
What he did was wrong and hurts everyone.

Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Gobble! on March 13, 2011, 01:33:12 PM
I would kick his azz and make sure the land owner never let him back in there.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: busta biggun on March 13, 2011, 08:18:38 PM
I am glad you were able to catch him in the act. Otherwise he may be doing all kinds of despicable stuff for years and you wouldn't have known. Good you found out now rather than 5 years from now.

I know it's totally disappointing though. I am sorry he let you down. Lastly I would make sure he knew that if he is ever seen on the property in the future he will be prosecuted for trespassing!

Good luck.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: boyhowdy on March 14, 2011, 10:22:48 AM
That is beyond a law calling offense, that is an a$$ whooping offense
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Missed-Em on March 14, 2011, 11:22:51 AM
The guy is a thief, stealing game, would you let him walk if you caught him taking equipment from the farmers shed? Poachers are criminals and should be treated that way!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: Basser69 on March 14, 2011, 12:07:22 PM
That is just wrong. Tell everyone what he did were he will not have a chance to do it again.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: M Sharpe on March 14, 2011, 12:29:28 PM
You should have called the GW. If he will do that to someone that is his friend, no telling what he's doing to others. P.O.S. in my book.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: camp man on March 14, 2011, 10:58:00 PM
I have an update. I went to talk to the landowner yesterday afternoon to explain what had happened and I ended up getting my "buddy " in trouble without even trying. The landowner asked me if I had killed any turkeys yet and I replied:"No, but James killed one out hereThursday afternoon." The landowner sat quietly for a minute and then said: " Are you sure that it was Thursday afternoon?" I said, "yes because I saw him on the dirt road that evening and he had the bird with him then. He also told me that he had to shoot him three times." The land owner then replied: "Well, he lied to me then because I was at the barn when he was driving out Thursday and he told me that he shot at a coyote three times but didn't kill it. I don't like a liar and I sure don't like someone telling me lies about what they are doing on my property. The next time you see or talk to him, tell him to come see me." I told him that I would do that and drove off with a smile on my face!!!!
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: HogBiologist on March 14, 2011, 11:00:05 PM
Atleast there was a happy ending.
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: turkeybow on March 14, 2011, 11:14:15 PM
Quote from: camp man on March 14, 2011, 10:58:00 PM
I have an update. I went to talk to the landowner yesterday afternoon to explain what had happened and I ended up getting my "buddy " in trouble without even trying. The landowner asked me if I had killed any turkeys yet and I replied:"No, but James killed one out hereThursday afternoon." The landowner sat quietly for a minute and then said: " Are you sure that it was Thursday afternoon?" I said, "yes because I saw him on the dirt road that evening and he had the bird with him then. He also told me that he had to shoot him three times." The land owner then replied: "Well, he lied to me then because I was at the barn when he was driving out Thursday and he told me that he shot at a coyote three times but didn't kill it. I don't like a liar and I sure don't like someone telling me lies about what they are doing on my property. The next time you see or talk to him, tell him to come see me." I told him that I would do that and drove off with a smile on my face!!!!

Man that is AWESOME!!  Glad it all came out with ease to the land owner.  That arse will get what he deserves  :deadhorse:  :TooFunny:
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: ghillie on March 15, 2011, 06:59:00 PM
Man....I would love to be a fly on the wall when that conversation goes down.....serious pucker factor there for him....BAAA HAAAA HAAAA.

OPa always said....you reap what you soe....
Title: Re: I am disgusted
Post by: FLGobstopper on March 15, 2011, 08:24:28 PM
That's about as low as you can go right there. Glad it all worked out for you in the end.