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General Discussion => General Forum => Daily Devotional & Prayer Requests => Topic started by: BOFF on April 14, 2011, 11:22:41 PM

Title: Devotional Friday 4/15/2011 "Taking Inventory"
Post by: BOFF on April 14, 2011, 11:22:41 PM

1 John 1:8-10 (The Message)
If we claim that we're free of sin, we're only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won't let us down; he'll be true to himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we've never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.

Just continuing to get my "house in order." In taking my inventory, I see several things which have been sitting off to the side, in the dark corners of my house. The problem is, those dark corners are often overlooked. They are out of the way, and at times a big effort has to be made to see what is stashed away in each corner. Have you ever noticed, some things which we tend to think aren't bad, will rot and mildew if we leave them sitting in the dark corners? In examining some things I find them to be rather moldy, and quite unpleasing to the nose. Writing it bluntly, these things just plain stink. Maybe not bad, but believe me, if these things sit around for long, the smell will get worse. Not only can the smells get bad, but they can permeate the whole dwelling!!

Fortunately, in taking inventory of ourselves, on a daily basis, we tend to get these things, called sin, out of our dwellings.  Sin, much like the above, if left alone in a dark corner, will permeate our whole temple, making a rotten smell which ruins any aroma of Christ.

In 1John 1:9 we are told the simple, but effective house cleaning step.

Confess our sins.

I encourage you to take a few minutes, and examine your life. Check the dark corners, the ones which are hard to get to, and make sure things are in order.

Father God, I thank you for the simple steps of cleaning my dwelling. Forgive me of the lack of time spent this week in your Word and in my prayer time. Forgive me of  the short, snappy comments to my loving wife, and daughter. Examine my heart Lord, and make me aware of any sin which needs to be cleansed. Thank you for your love, grace, forgiveness, and the salvation I have through your precious son Jesus.

For it is in Jesus name I ask and claim these things, Amen. 

God Bless,
David B.
Title: Re: Devotional Friday 4/15/2011 "Taking Inventory"
Post by: Roostem33 on April 15, 2011, 04:44:49 AM
Thanks David, that was a good message. Those dark corners can get kinda scary sometimes.

Have a good one and God bless,
Title: Re: Devotional Friday 4/15/2011 "Taking Inventory"
Post by: mmims on April 15, 2011, 09:36:49 AM
Thanks David, Excellent!

Title: Re: Devotional Friday 4/15/2011 "Taking Inventory"
Post by: 4nwtf on April 15, 2011, 04:31:16 PM
Good message, thx